Tuesday, September 22, 2009

As women I find we can be very attached to our hair. We are told how pretty it looks long, that it looks great in that style, etc. Participating in balding for dollars will challenge this familiar stereotype of female beauty.

I chose the name "Rapunzel project" because in that fairy tale a lady used the only means she had, her hair, to create a change in her life. I don't really get that much use out of my hair. It kinda just hangs there. So I figured I'd do something more useful with it. I'm hoping I can fund-raise enough money to make a difference. I also hope to encourage other women to do the same. We're still drop dead gorgeous without hair. being bald just proves that and the courage we have in our hearts :)


Monday, September 21, 2009

So many people I know are affected by cancer, if not directly than through our friends and family. It touches us all no matter who we are, our age, gender, faith or race. I wanted to do something for the ones I love (and that's a pretty inclusive everyone!). I hope others will help me with this goal.